Melanoma and Skin Cancer
Targeting of a master regulator of melanoma differentiation to counteract resistance to therapy.
Loss of expression of the transcription factor MITF is associated with melanoma dedifferentiation and with development of resistance to immunotherapy and to target therapy.
We identified NFATc2 as a negative regulator of MITF. NFATc2 targeting, by silencing or pharmacological inhibition, restored MITF expression and rescued tumor recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
Reversal of melanoma resistance to BRAF- and MEK- inhibitors by targeting of NFATc2 is currently investigated.
The Melanoma Multidisciplinary Program works on a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and translational and clinical research.
The Melanoma Unit mantains a perspective database collecting more than 7,000 melanoma patients who were treated at our Institution from 2000 to date. International studies are ongoing focused on adjuvant treatments and on intralesional treatment of stage III metastatic melanoma patients.